He is our dear uncle.
Siyutao is able to connect you with Grand Master He Dao Hong 何道洪大师.
Connection is key. The key is not money.
Siyutao provides the best connection (人脉) in Yixing for you.
HeDaoHong Born 1943 in YiXing.
Official Senior Master Artist (Research Level Master Artist),
An adviser to the Jiang Su province Ceramic Art committee,
Won the Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese ceramic art、design and education,
Member of Chinese National Arts and Crafts Society.
Master He, has blazed a trail of high level achievements, creating many Yixing purple sand (zisha) Artworks, written many Academic papers, many of which have been published in publications and magazines at home and abroad;
National Grand Master HeDaoHong has his own Published Personal Collection available at major bookstores. Many of his works have been collected by cultural institutions.
National Grand Master HeDaoHong's artworks are highly collectable and are very active in various auctions.
HeDaoHong's art work WaiZuiMeiZhaung
The closing price :12,650,000.00CNY
Auction House:BeiJing HanHai
Date of auction:December 7,2013
Grand Master He places great and especial importance on the combination of theory and practice, he conducts extensive and in-depth research, and, exploration and creation of Yixing purple sand clay (zisha) Art Form from a high level,
Stemming forth from a solid professional knowledge base, while extensively exploring the various art forms of both: Ancient and Modern, China and Foreign countries, he deeply studied the art of Yixing purple sand clay (zisha), constantly exploring, constantly practising.
His works are rich in artistic language, novel in artistic creativity, beautiful in art form, profound in cultural connotation and elegant in artistic style: the combination of all which are unique in the field of Yixing purple sand clay (zisha) Art and have a great impact on the creation of contemporary purple sand clay (zisha) Art.
1958年 进江苏省宜兴紫砂工艺厂,拜师王寅春学习紫砂陶艺术。
1958: enrolled in JiangSu YiXing purple sand clay (ZiSha) Craft Factory to learn purple sand clay (ZiSha) Ceramic Craft from WangYinChun王寅春.
1965:learned futher purple sand clay (ZiSha) Ceramic Craft from PeiShiMin裴石民.
1976: studied modeling and design at the Central Applied Arts College.
Created the Dahong style.
1982年 作品《十二件鼻烟壶》在“中国全国陶瓷设计评比”中获一等奖
1982:<twelve biyan hu > won Grade 1 Award for China's national ceramic design evaluation
2000年 作品《璧钰》获“首届西湖国际博览会”金奖
2000:<Bi yu> won Gold Award for The first West Lake World's Fair
2001 年 作品《神竹》获“第三届中国工艺美术精品博览会”金奖
2001: <Shen zhu >won Gold Award for The third China Applied Arts Fair
2002年 作品《韵扁》获“第三届西湖国际博览会”金奖
2002:<Bian Yun> won Gold Award for The Third West Lake World's Fair
2005年 作品 《润丁》获“第三届太湖国际博览会”金奖
2005:<RunDing> won Gold Award for The Third Tai Lake World's Fair