Why are some teapots so expensive?

Why are some teapots so expensive?

Factors affecting the price of teapots

The main reasons for the price differences of teapots include material quality, craftsmanship, shape, historical background, Collection Valueproduction process and market demand.


1.The most important two factors that makes a teapot very expensive are its collectible value and artistic value.

When a teapot is a work of art and has collectible value, it will be very expensive. A teapot with high collectible value can even cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

For example 清康熙 御制铜胎画珐琅菊花纹方壶 a teapot with collectible value. The price at the auction reached 195 million RMB=26,660,107.50 USD. 

清康熙 御制铜胎画珐琅菊花纹方壶

2.The second factor that makes teapots expensive is the complexity of the craftsmanship.

Handmade teapots with more intricate craftsmanship will be more expensive.


3.The third factor that makes teapots expensive is high-quality materials

A teapot made from high-quality materials will be more expensive than a lower-quality one.

4.Beautiful shape and high market demand also make teapots expensive....