1. Bian Yuan Yixing teapot from Siyutao
Yixing teapot
origin: Siyutao Yixing City Ding Shu Town
The name of the teapot is Bian Yuan
Category: boutique teapot
Type of creation: fully Hand-crafted
Volume: 124ml

Shop link (click to know more)
2. Bamboo Yixing teapot from Siyutao
Yixing teapot
origin: Siyutao Yixing City Ding Shu Town
The name of the teapot is Bamboo
Type of creation: half Hand-crafted, fully hand-sculptured
craftswoman: hui qing
Wonderful daily use teapot, stunning.
Shop link (click to know more)
3. Confucian scholar Yixing Teapot from Siyutao
Yixing teapot
origin: Siyutao Yixing City Ding Shu Town
The name of the teapot is the Confucian scholar
Category: boutique teapot
Type of creation: fully Hand-crafted
Shop link (click to know more)
4. Wen Dan Yixing teapot
Yixing teapot
Origin: Ding shu town Yixing city
The name of the teapot is the Wen Dan
type of creation: fully Hand-crafted
Material: authentic yixing zisha da hong pao directly comes from the Yixing
Water flow test: Excellent